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Learnings from Dr. Jim Loehr

Notes and thoughts from Tim Ferriss Show Episode #490 & Notes from Tribe of Mentors. This episode really resinated with me, and I'm highly recommend to listening to the full episode on Tim Ferriss Show.

[June, 2019 | Appin, Scotland.]

My Highlights from Tribe of Mentors

“Our humanity is expressed most fully in our treatment of others.” - Dr. Jim Loehr

"The truth I have discovered after working with incredible athletes, leaders, and individuals from across the globe is that our humanity is expressed most fully in our treatment of others - when we are respectful, humble, caring, honest, and grateful despite our struggles, disappointments, and failures. it represents the heart and soul of who we are at our best."

"Protection from stress serves only to erode my capacity [to handle it]. Stress exposure is the stimulus for all growth, and growth actually occurs during episodes of recovery. Avoiding stress, I have learned, will never provide the capacity that life demands of me. "

"Playing tennis, working out, meditation, and journaling provide rich mental and emotional recovery....seeking stress in one dimension of my life surprisingly brings recovery in another."

"In a real sense, to grow in life, I must be a seeker of stress"

"Failure will happen, and failure is an opportunity to build resilience, to practice forgiveness of self and of others, and to gain wisdom."

Action Items

(*These are my interpretation or transcripts from the podcast conversation, and what I find helpful for me.)

• Love what you hate

Think of a goal, write that in your journal, and start to believing that is possible.

Think of one skill or task you don't like, but you want to master, or that skill is a road block for you to move forward, and write that on top of your journal. "I love ______". Most likely we hate what we are not good at, I know I do.

"Make the inputs, and make them regularly, and the brain is so plastic, so flexible, so pliable, it will come around." - Dr. Jim Loehr

• Be your best coach

Speak to yourself like you would speaking to someone you deeply care and love.

Working on developing your private voice and make sure whatever that voice is articulating to you, the advice, the language and the tone, is something that that's how you would coach someone that you care about.

Keep a journal of how you want to speak to yourself in situations that have given you trouble. Scrip it out, write it out! You write it and read it and repeat. Then you began to set a whole new neural pathway for energy to flow. This is one of the best of the best advise I've heard, I'm definitely writing mine!

"I came to understand that the ultimate coach for all of us in life is that private voice. And that private voice can be brutal, can actually be a detriment to being the best you can be" - Dr. Jim Loehr

Journal Entry

Think about who you are when you are most proud of yourself, when you are at what you would consider to be your very best. And particularly in a stressful circumstance, who you are physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually.

Books List (want to read)

Man's Search for Meanings - Viktor Frankl

Leading with Character - Dr. Jim Loehr


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